Thursday, April 18, 2013

Second Amendment Rules!

I believe that America would support measures that keep guns out of the hands of felons, the mentally ill, etc... and even expanding background checks; however, do we trust an administration to introduce and pass gun control laws having already set the precedence for being the most surreptitious and closed administration in history - despite promises to be the most open (transparent). Clearly, the bill has language that is cause for concern and that is likely why it failed. Fact one, a 100% background check on U.S. citizens buying guns will be lead to databases of the applicants. So do we simply believe that no one in Washington would mine that data? Of course they will, and they do! Para 2 of Sections 102 and 103 both prohibit a national firearms registry, but let's not be naive about this; names, social security numbers, and any other data submitted to check against the criminal database is not simply discarded after it is submitted. Otherwise, what proof would there be that an individual was approved to buy a gun? There are many databases to which only segments our government have access. Although the  databases may not include what kind of gun or serial of that gun, they would indicate a high probability that the individual is a gun owner - if the background check results in "APPROVED." Each time someone buys a gun, a new background check is run, hence simple database queries can provide the number of approvals for any individual leading to a good guess at the number of guns a person owns. A firearm registry by another name... Why is this a problem?  How you you like to buy your fifth gun and then be raided by the ATF for having an arsenal and questioning your intentions?

"Fast & Furious" put guns in the hands of criminals and people died, yet this administration wants you to believe they care about the lives of America's innocent victims. Why didn't they parade the families of those killed in Fast & Furious around Washington? Because their appeal to emotion attempt would get trumped by their hypocrasy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great points's one more to think about. If they care so much about innocent lives then how about the millions of children killed since the inception of Roe v Wade? And out of those millions don't you think it quite probable that we could have seen the birth of a few genius quality people? Because we certainly can use even the slightest uptick on the collective brain power in this current administration.