Sunday, May 19, 2013

Islam in America?

Publius Huldah discusses Islam in America!   <--  MUST SEE VIDEO!!!

Our God told us to shake the dust off our sandals and walk away when someone does not want to convert to Christianity! Alah tells his followers to torture and butcher people who don't convert to Islam. Our God gave us the 10 commandments and appointed a priesthood to keep Israel holy and/or "atoned" before God! The priesthood were fallible men and proved God's point that He alone is Holy and man(kind) is in need of a savior. Jesus came to suffer the entire wrath of judgment and redeem all mankind for the glory of God! Is there a more perfect picture of God's love? In the Christian heaven, Man and Woman share EQUALITY in love, peace, and reward! In Islam heaven, MEN are rewarded with the SUBJEGATION of virgin women to please them for eternity!

(KORAN 78:31): "As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high-bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup."

It takes little effort to see that this is a DOUBLE-D focused "cup;" a man-made, self-serving, lust-driven reward to the righteous!" How could anyone be so blind to NOT see that the "righteous," in this context, can only apply to the males? How stupid is it to believe that any God would objectify women to be rewards for righteousness?

BIBLE (Genesis:) "Male and female He created them, and He blessed them." Yes - Them!!!
No Islam in America please!!! It's not a phobia, it's simply an educated rejection of another man-made system of oppression used for control under the guise of religion to solicit protection surreptitiously from the U.S. Constitution! I enjoyed the smack-down Publius gave this notion that Islamists have “protected” rights!

(This message brought to you by the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution)

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